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Can You Anonymously Report Your Boss?

Can You Anonymously Report Your Boss?

Problems and issues are bound to evolve in any working space. Sometimes it a performance issue and policy issue, and sometimes it is an interpersonal issue, harassment, discrimination, and bully. In any case, the conflict resolves with communication and dialogue. Sometimes, the people with who you have a problem do not provide the space for communication. And sometimes, you are unable to gather the courage to talk to someone of higher rank. Being unable to sort out the problem leads to mental stress, and you become unable to focus on your work and performance. Therefore, you have to make a way out to resolve the issue, directly and indirectly. Many people who are aware of the employee's rights know that they can file a complaint against their employer for exploiting their rights of discrimination, workplace safety, wages, and overtime. But mostly, employees feel intimidated to report against a powerful employer as he can threaten them later in life. In such a scenario, you can anonymously report your boss for a violation of labor laws.


Many employees feel intimidated to report the bosses. Keeping it confidential and anonymous makes it a feasible solution for the employees to report without any pressure. The anonymity protects the identity of the victims and witnesses. It encourages them to report things that have caused damage to them in any way. But you must keep the law in mind when anonymously reporting the Boss. When I say the law, you must consult a law practitioner, specifically an employment lawyer, about the guidance to understand what are the benefits and drawbacks of reporting your boss anonymously. While talking to some of the Employment lawyers in Manchester, I found that it is not against the law to file a report against the boss, but you have to be a bit more careful and equipped with evidence. It is difficult to distinguish between valid and invalid reports as some use it as a tool to satisfy their malicious intentions.

Anonymous Whistleblowing Laws: 

Whistleblowing is a term used when an employee reports concerning wrongdoing. According to UK law, the whistleblowers who communicate the information have to affirm two things. First, that they are doing it in the public interest, and second that they intend to unveil the persons’ past, present, and future wrongdoings. The law gives protection to all whistleblowers whether they are employees, police, agency worker, or trainee, etc. Any person who is mistreated after the whistleblowing can take their case to the employment tribunal.

Who Do You Report Anonymously?

You can report about any employee or employer to the Human resource manager. Most companies have a whistleblowing policy that gives the right to employees for anonymous reports. They assure you to keep your identity confidential, meanwhile solving the problem. Many times you do not have faith in a manager, after all, he is also an employee of the same employer. In such a case, you should definitely contact a lawyer for legal advice.

When You Should Report Your Employer?

 You must report your employer when he is involved in any kind of misconduct or violates his responsibilities towards the employees. Some of the reasons are harassment, bullying, discrimination, or they are doing something illegal. The best approach to resolve the issue is directly talking to the employer. If he is reluctant, report your HR manager anonymously. And if that also does not work, seek legal counsel from a professional lawyer.   

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